There are many strategies you can employ to take control of your eating behaviors. Below you’ll find a list of tips that may be beneficial to you. If one strategy doesn’t work that is fine just move on the next one. The more techniques you have at your disposal the greater your chances of success.
Plan meals and snacks in advance. Having an eating schedule prevents impulsive eating. Focus on your food by eliminating all other activities while eating. Don’t read, watch T.V., or talk on the phone. Eat slowly. Savor every bite of food. Notice the flavor and texture—really taste you food. Eat in one place in your home. This area of the house, such as your dining table, should only be used for eating. The idea is that you associate this location with eating and nothing else. Don’t clean your plate. Don't feel obligated to clean your plate when dining. Eat until you’re almost full because it takes 20 minutes for your stomach to send signals to your brain that you're full. Eat on smaller plates with smaller utensils. Downsizing your potions by using a smaller plates and utensils gives an illusion of eating more food.
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